According to genealogy, Ki Ageng Bhuwono Keling was a noble from Pejajaran Kingdom who got married with Dewi Togati, a princess of His Majesty Brawijaya V. After getting married, he was ordered to clear the south coastal jungle namely Wengker Kidul (now is Pacitan) in which the territory of Majapahit Kingdom. In accordance with the name, Wengker Kidul was very dangerous and haunted area. (Wengker = luweng and angker). None live there.

Ki Ageng Bhuwono Keling had built a residence in the middle of the jungle. He lived there with his descendants, as the inscription noted:

“Japura puraksara erestha, Bhuwana Keling abhiyana, Juwana siddhim samagayana, Bhajna tabha minigfazah, Ratna kara pramantanu”.

Meaning: Formerly there was a master of martial named Bhuwana Keling who had gained the perfectness in invulnerable and spiritual. He was a very wise teacher for his descendants. he was also a pioneering work for the environment.

Ki Ageng Bhuwono Keling was Buddhist. His descendants were as well. He had a top level of magic power namely pancasonya. It made him would never die although he was killed over and over.

Once upon the time, Kyai Ageng Petung wandered to publish Islam till Wengker Kidul. They met in some place. Previously, they introduced each other and showed their own super natural power as the habit of mostly former people. Then, Kyai Ageng Petung said that he came with a new religion namely Islam. Ki Ageng Bhuwono Keling kept his ancient religion and refused to adhere Islam. They got battle for few weeks.

Kyai Ageng Petung was not able to cope Ki Ageng Bhuwono Keling’s magic power. He could not die. Since he was killed, as his body touched the land he stood up and was alive. Kyai Ageng Petung was back off.

Shortly story, Kyai Ageng Petung could killed Ki Ageng Bhuwono Keling by a kris named Kyai Ajug. The corpse was divided into three parts and each must be buried in the separation of river.

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